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→ Песни о друпале

Бодрая песенка «I got Drupal» (блюз)

Качество записи (для роликов на ютубе) отличное, только с освещением автор прогадал...

(Текст песни под катом)

I got panels and views, and CCK
I got organic groups and now ya lay

I got Drupal
Oh Thank God i got Drupal (Mhm)
Open Source and the license is free
Built and maintained by community
I got Drupal...

I got CVC i am .... MSE
I got open API and Open ID


I got features and bugs, patches and queues
I got more modules than i ever could use


I got one thousand three hundred eighty eight people
who'd Drive or fly or ride a bike or take a bus a just to talk about Drupal

I got Drupal-con*
Oh thank god i got DrupalCon, Mhm.
Open source and the license is free-e-ee built and mainta-eined by community

I got Dru-u-u-pal, Mhm...

* DrupalCon — сокращение от Drupal Conference

Drupal Song (концертная запись - Drupal conference San-Francisco 2010)

If you've got a website,
You need a system
To manage you content

If you wand to build
A web application,
You need to download

Drupal Drupal Drupal Drupal Dru-pal

На сайте Lullabot можно послушать и скачать официальную версию этой песни в MP3

Drupal Song (hard rock) - Kitty Killers (DrupalCon 2010 @ Copenhagen)

Вокал явно не сильная сторона этой группы, но как прецедент - зачёт :)

Четырехлетняя девочка отвечает отказом на предложение родителя сделать сайт на джумле

(откроется в новом окне)

Смотреть видео

— If i want to make a website, do i use Joomla?
— Nooo...
— What du i use? What do i need?
— Drupaaal!
— Do you know a song about Drupal?
— Drupal drupal drupal druuupal!!

Беспощадная девочка нанесла непоправимый ущерб имиджу джумлы...

Вариации на тему Drupal Song (инструментал, легкий рок)

Ниче так зажгли

Новогоднее поздравление 2011 (Drupal Christmas Song)

Несмотря на немножко излишнюю рекламу Обамы и белого дома, ролик понравился, да и спето качественно.

Текст песни:

You know Joomla and Wordpress, Magento and Tango
Raydiant Silverstripe iweb and Mambo
But do you recall
The most awesome framework of all?

Drupal the website framework
Has some very agile code,
And if you ever used it,
You would say the others blow.

All of the other frameworks
couldn't understand its fame;
they thought because it was free
surely it had to be the lame

Then one cold December Eve,
Big-O came to say:
"Drupal, with your code so tight,
Won't you run the nations site?"

All of us helped to make it,
Grow in popularity
D-R-U-P-A-L dot org,
You’re about Community

Drupal the website framework
Has some very agile code,
And if you ever used it,
You would say the others blow.

All of the other frameworks
couldn't understand its fame;
they thought "Because it was free
surely it had to be the lame!"

Then one cold December Eve,
Big-O came to say:
"Drupal, with your code so tight,
Won't you run the nations site?"

All of us helped to make it,
Grow in popularity
D-R-U-P-A-L dot org ,
You’re about Community.

Drupal the website framework
Has some really awesome code,
And you should really use it,
To reduce your bandwidth load.

All of the other frameworks
used to laugh and mock its claims;
"...because the source was open,
security had to be lame!"

Then one cold Decembers Eve,
Barak came to say:
"Drupal, with your code so tight, needs you tonight!

Then how the others loved it,
As they shouted out with Dries
D-R-U-P-A-L dot org ,
You’re about Community!
We are the community!

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и выгоден клиенту
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а когда фреймворк?
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